The Star Theatre Going Forward into 2024

Hey everyone, this will be in the paper tomorrow so I wanted to post it here to also get the word out.

Hello, everyone. I’m happy to share the news that as of January 1st, 2024, Gold Junction
Presents will become the new proprietors of the Star Theatre. Over the past eight years, I’ve
dedicated myself to elevating and developing the Star Theatre, guided by two core principles:
maintaining affordability and contributing to the community. I firmly believe that the theatre is
the heartbeat of Whitehall, a role it has played for over a century. It’s been a central gathering
spot since its earliest days. While many small towns have witnessed the decline of their local
theaters due to aging infrastructure or the challenge of transitioning to digital projection,
Whitehall’s citizens recognized the theatre’s significance and helped it overcome these
significant obstacles.

My journey with the Star Theatre has been filled with highs and lows, the most challenging
being the COVID-19 pandemic. The uncertainty of whether the business could continue and
what the future of film would look like post-pandemic was incredibly stressful. Over the years,
I’ve done my best to upgrade the theatre, from renovating the concession stand to restoring
the iconic marquee. Collaborating with Gold Junction, we’ve broadened the theatre’s film
selection, introducing initiatives like the Summer Family Film Series and the Western Series,
running for three years now. The theatre should be a sanctuary for all, a place to unwind and
momentarily step away from reality, as well as a venue for creating lasting memories for both
adults and children alike.

The decision to transition the Star to Gold Junction Presents stems from a few reasons. Firstly,
time has become a scarce resource for me, especially as my children grow and become more
involved in various activities, leaving me with less time to dedicate to the theatre. Secondly, it’s
about the legacy of the Star Theatre. Gold Junction Presents was established with two goals:
bringing arts and culture to Whitehall, akin to what larger cities offer, and rejuvenating the Star
Theatre to preserve its role as our town’s gathering place. This vision requires collaboration,
and I believe Gold Junction is well-equipped to make the necessary improvements to ensure
the theatre’s longevity. While I am stepping back, I will continue to assist Gold Junction with
film programming and events.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported me over the years.
Whether you visited to watch a movie or just to buy popcorn, your support has been
invaluable. I’m grateful to Kerry Sacry for entrusting me with the theatre’s legacy, to my family
for their sacrifices, and to my parents for their unwavering support. A special thanks to Bill
Pullman, whose advocacy and support from the beginning have been instrumental in shaping
my time with the theatre.

The future looks promising for Star Theatre under Gold Junction Presents. Their leadership
promises to infuse our community with more arts and culture. I encourage everyone to
continue supporting Gold Junction as they embark on this new chapter.

2 thoughts on “The Star Theatre Going Forward into 2024

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  1. The town of Whitehall has been so blessed having such dedicated residents as yourself. The theater has done so very much for the community as well as Gold Junction Presents. Thank you for your commitment to our town!


  2. Have fun with your kids Colton! you have given many of us wonderful opportunities to see movies we would have ordinarily missed. and your love of the Star is so evident! thank you! Gold Junction has big shoes to fill!! and so glad you will still be around!!


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